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Military unit BCMU
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All UK citizens, if you want full sups please apply for a place in the national MU, and accept a job in this company .

Every citizen should also send a mail to the UK org stating how many MK's you have left so that we can give everyone enough supplies for the end of the server!
United Kingdom Org posted 6 years ago

UK Market Prices:
Diamonds 0.014g
Q1 weapons 0.042g
Q5 Weapons 0.38g
Q5 Food 0.22g
Q5 Gifts 0.44g

Products available to buy all day! Just visit the UK product market!
United Kingdom Org posted 6 years ago

Hey everyone,

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

As you can see, we are back at war with Indonesia, under the direction of our in-game CP Wolfage who has done a fantastic job this term. So far it is going well and we have strong hopes that we will be victorious.

Supplies are, as always, available on Discord for any battle the UK is part of.

Fight hard!

United Kingdom Org posted 6 years ago

RW in London is open come onto discord for coordination. Make sure that when you are fighting you are fighting in the last minute of the battle! this is when damage is most important!!!
United Kingdom Org posted 6 years ago

Update on Government:
Tulip resigned, and with no other candidates in the CP election the presidency was left vacant. This meant that the next CP had to be chosen from Congress, as the only member with senior government experience Wolfage was elected CP. As CP I have now chosen Darkmantle to keep running the government and so in effect he is CP with me performing in-game functions
United Kingdom Org posted 6 years ago

Quick update regarding Indonesia. We were losing the war due to less activity and coordinated fighting, so we struck a deal that allows us to keep our NPC's if we let them win the war.

A full article explaining the situation and the future of the UK will be released over the weekend.
United Kingdom Org posted 6 years ago

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